University of Virginia Library

Life Photographer
Exhibits Works

Alfred Eisenstaedt, noted
photographer for Life Magazine, showed
an overflow crowd Thursday night a
photographic essay about Sophia Loren
and Spiro Agnew, as well as many
naturalistic scenes. He also displayed
other photographs which highlighted his
career as a news photographer.

When asked who he enjoyed
photographing the most, Mr. Eisenstaedt
replied, "Sophia Loren." He has also
taken pictures of other well known
people in the world. Several of the
famous photographs which Mr.
Eisenstaedt has taken are of such figures
as Winston Churchill and George Bernard

Through his various photographs, Mr.
Eisenstaedt exhibited different techniques
employed in photography. Such things as
double and triple images are
characteristic. A San Francisco cable car
was made to look as though it had three
levels. Photography with the use of a
prism caused the spreading of light in
many directions, he explained.

One photograph of the Pope marching
in a parade was taken from a high
scaffold hanging from a church. Of this,
Mr. Eisenstaedt said, "I know no fear
with a camera in my hand." This was
made evident through several daring
pictures taken of wild animals.