University of Virginia Library


AFROTC Adds Second Coed

Vanessa Darden, a first-year student
from Hampton, Virginia, recently joined
Cadet Mary Edwards in the University's
Air Force ROTC unit. Miss Edwards and
Miss Darden are the first two women to
join an ROTC unit in the State of

"I received some information about
the program in the mail this summer, but
just never decided," stated Miss Darden.
"A couple of weeks ago I saw Mary
Edwards walking across the Grounds in
her uniform and I knew it was what I
really wanted to do."

She added, "I joined because of the
opportunities it gives me and because I
would like to travel."

Miss Darden and Miss Edwards will
receive reserve commissions in the Air
Force after their graduation.

Art Exhibition

The Artmobile has brought an exhibition
entitled "Concepts of Space in Art" to
the University. The travelling museum
will be parked in front of the Chemistry
building through Friday, December 3. It
will be open from 10 a.m. to noon and 2
to 4 p.m. daily. It will close at noon on

The exhibit includes art objects from
Egypt, Greece, India and Peru. Among
the major periods covered are the
Renaissance, Baroque and Moslem eras.
Works by such contemporary artists as
Picasso and Braque are also included. In
addition, a Greek relief of Athena, which
is considered one of the finest of its kind
in America, is being shown.

Debaters Win Tournament

The Virginia Debaters recently won the
16th annual Dixie Classic Debate
Tournament, sponsored by Wake Forest
University. The team of fourth-yearman
Greg Bittner and third-yearman Tom
Thrash had a score of 8-0 in preliminary
round competition.

The pair defeated teams from the
University of Scranton, Wayne State
University, Lenoir-Rhyne College,
Western Illinois University, the University
of Maryland, the University of Richmond,
Dartmouth College, and the College of
William and Mary.

Mr. Bittner and Mr. Thrash then
entered elimination round competition as
the top-seeded team in the tournament.
They defeated the University of Scranton
in the octofinal round, Emory University
in the quarter-finals, and the University
of North Carolina in the semi-final round,
all on 3-0 decisions.

In the final round the University's
team met the debaters from George
Washington University and defeated them

In addition, Mr. Bittner was named
second speaker in the tournament.

This win qualifies Mr. Thrash and Mr.
Bittner for the Tournament of
Champions, to be held at Illinois State
University in early April. Bids to this
tournament are given to those teams
reaching the semi-finals at twenty
selected tournaments throughout the

WUVA Transmitter

WUVA recently installed a new
20-watt transmitter in the Pi Kappa Phi
House at the corner of Rugby Road and
Grady Avenue. The new equipment will
bring WUVA broadcasts to the fraternity
area which has never before received
them. The station urges students to
notify the station of the quality of the
signal so the transmitter can be properly