University of Virginia Library


Whitebread To Address Wives


American Gothic

Charles Whitebread, Assistant Professor
of Law, will speak to faculty wives
tomorrow at 10:45 a.m. in Alumni Hall.
His speech will concern the "Jefferson

Mr. Whitebread will also talk about the
state of the University. "You can't talk
about the Jefferson Legacy without
mentioning it," he explained.

Honor Cards

All students who entered the
University for the first time this fall who
have not signed an honor card must come
by the Honor Committee Room on the
fourth floor of Newcomb Hall to sign an
honor card.

The Honor Committee Room will be
open for signing the cards from 2 p.m. to
5 p.m. next Monday and Tuesday.

The Honor Committee asks that, if the
student has the computerized card from
the registration packet, he bring it with
him. Otherwise, the committee will
supply a new card.

All students must sign an honor card
to be completely registered at the

Drug Clinic

An organizational meeting for all
persons interested in any aspect of
beginning a drug clinic "primarily run by
drug freaks" will be held tonight at
Tovin's on West Main Street at 8 p.m.
Interested officials, reportedly including
City Councilman Charles Barbour, will

The project, the culmination of
interested persons' work with the Central
Virginia Regional Drug Council for the
past year, is "all under police amnesty"
and has the "blessings of City Council,"
according to one participant.