University of Virginia Library

Action Line

Q. I got a $25 honor loan in 1969 for some
car repairs, which I repaid in June of that year.
The University is still billing me for this. Can
you find out why?

L.Y., Charlottesville

A. The administrators of the honor loan
fund have no record of your repayment. If you
can produce the cancelled check, they will be
satisfied. Until this matter is straightened out,
however, they have a hold on your record. This
means that it won't be released to interviewers,
graduate schools, etc., until the debt is satisfied.

ACTION LINE is a joint service of The Cavalier
Daily and Madison Hall. Call for action at
8:30-4:30 weekdays, 7-9 Monday through
Thursday evenings at 293-4949 or 924-3193. If you prefer, mail your question to ACTION
LINE at Madison Hall, or come by in person.