University of Virginia Library


U.S.C. Censures State

The University of South Carolina Student
Senate passed a resolution last Wednesday
censuring the State of South Carolina "for
flying daily a symbol (the Confederate Flag) of
infamy and pain which is a direct insult to all
Americans who truly believe in The Declaration
of Independence and the Constitution of the
United States of America."

The resolution called the Confederate flag
"a symbol of that portion of the U.S. which at
one time in its history fought and died in order
to .....prescribe the 'right' to enslave a man
because of his color."

It further stated that "this flag flies over the
State Capital as a constant ugly reminder of this
sad period in history."

Copies of the resolution will be distributed
to all South Carolina state legislators and the
executive branch.

Virginia Debaters

The Virginia Debaters returned to the
University this week with many honors.

Varsity debater Greg Rittner and Rick
Robol participated in the Kansas State
Teacher's College Invitational tournament held
in Emporia, Kansas. They amassed a record of
five wins and three losses in the preliminary

With this record, and the fifth highest
speaker points in the tournament, the two
qualified for the octofinal elimination round,
where they lost a 2-1 decision to Northwestern

The University was one of ten schools
invited to attend a tournament held at
Washington and Jefferson College in
Washington, Pennsylvania. It finished ninth out
of sixty teams in the tournament.

The varsity unit of Tom Thrash and Dan
Karp won four rounds and lost two, barely
missing a berth in the quarterfinals.

Novice debaters also had a successful
weekend. Competing in the Virginia Debate
Association tournament at Madison College.
Affirmative team members John DiScullo and
Larry Katz won first place.

VPI Tuition

Students at the University this year are
paying less in tuition room and board and
required fees than students at Virginia
Polytechnical Institute, according to Virginia
Tech student Newspaper.

Undergraduate tuition and required fees for
in-state students are only $542 for one year,
while Virginia Tech students are required to
pay $597. Dormitory and Food Services
charges for one year total $775, as compared to
$846 at VPI. However, Virginia Tech's eating
facilities serve more than 15 meals a week.

The University's tuition and fees increased
only $5 from last year's rates, while $30 was
added onto last years costs at VPI.

A report, released jointly by the American
Association of State Colleges and Universities
and the National Association of State
Universities and Land-Great Colleges stated
that the primary reasons for increased student
charges in state universities across the country
were inflation, the necessity to maintain the
current level of program quality, and
inadequate appropriations from the state