University of Virginia Library


ACLU Provides Observers

The University student chapter of the
American Civil Liberties Union announced
today that members of the chapter will be on
hand to observe events during "University
Tuesday", which is designed to highlight the
problems created by the expansion of the
University. The members will be on hand
merely as a precaution, since the events planned
are not expected to result in any disturbances
which might involve civil liberties questions.

As one member put it, "We want to be
prepared, but we don't expect to be needed."
The student chapter also announced that it is
concerned with protecting civil liberties at all
times, for all people, and is always interested in
hearing complaints from University students.
Non-students are requested to contact the
Central Virginia Chapter rather than the
student chapter.

In relation to "University Tuesday",
however any person with a civil liberties
complaint is asked to call 295-0036 at any time
and to leave his or her name, address and phone
number. A student chapter member will then
contact the caller at a later time for fuller

Drama Building

A new drama education building is
being planned for the University. Completion
of the new facility is tentatively scheduled for
the fall of 1973.

The new facility will be located on Carr's Hill
as part of the new fine arts complex. The first
phase of this complex was completed with the
construction of the architecture school

Included in this new drama department
building are shops, stage production
laboratories, classroom and office space. To
overcome the problems in presenting a play at
Minor Hall a stage and 600 seat auditorium are
also planned.

Bids were submitted by nine construction
companies and ranged from a low of
$2,373,024 to a high of $2,859,079. The low
bid was placed by R.E. Lee and Son Inc. of
Charlottesville last Thursday.

University officials say they hope to award
the contract for the project within 30 days so
that construction may begin as soon as possible.

Mad Hall Column

Madison Hall, in conjunction with the
Cavalier Daily, will offer a special information
service to members of the University
community. Beginning next week, a special
column prepared by Madison Hall will appear
daily in the newspaper.

The purpose of this column will be to answer
questions and complaints regarding the
University and Community. All queries should
be addressed to Madison Hall from 8:30 to
4:30 Monday through Friday and from 7 to 9
p.m., Monday through Thursday. Their phone
number is 924-3193.