University of Virginia Library

County Board Establishes
Study On Road To Birdwood


The Albemarle County Board of
Supervisors has recently ordered an
in-depth study of the University's plans
to build a roadway connecting the central
grounds with the Birdwood tract.

The University's plans, which call for
the construction of a paved road through
the residential Bellair section of
Albemarle County, have resulted in
numerous complaints from Bellair
homeowners. The route proposed by the
University would use Deerpath Road in Bellair
to link University-owned property at both ends
of that road.

Albemarle County Executive Thomas M.
Batchelor stated that the in-depth study would
determine "the impact and ultimate location of
this vital link of transportation." The study will
be - undertaken jointly by the University
Planning Department, the Albemarle Planning
Department, and the Virginia Department of
Highways. It is expected that the study will
take over a year to complete.

The purpose of the proposed $1.3 million
study is to provide easy access from the central
grounds to the residential colleges yet to be
constructed on the Birdwood tract.

The proposed residential colleges will include
living, dining, classroom, library, physical
education, and student activity facilities.
Birdwood students would commute to the
central grounds for science courses and certain
special projects.