University of Virginia Library

Student Molested
In Parking Lot


A fourth-year woman was molested
Monday night as she walked across
Nameless Field toward her car after a
meeting in Newcomb Hall.

The incident occurred around 9:30
when the coed descended the stairs
leading toward Memorial Gym. The victim
reported that a man who had been walking
behind her came up to her and ask her "Where
have you been? I wasn't sure if you were back or
not this year."

She did not recognize the man, but did not
try to run or call for help since he did not seem
abnormal or threatening.

As they approached Emmet Street he began
making obscene statements and threatening her
verbally. When she reached her car, parked in
the Mary Munford parking lot, she told the
assailant that if he did not go away and leave
her alone she would scream.

At that point the man grabbed her, then ran
when she screamed. The student reported that
once the man was gone she went into Mary
Munford to call the security police but was
unable to reach the security office after 15
minutes of calling.

She filled a report in the security office
yesterday describing the man as being about
6′1″ tall and of a muscular build. She said the
security office advised her to carry a tear gas
gun in the future.

The girl also talked with Miss Annette
Gibbs, associate dean of students, who
reportedly informed her that a similar incident
had occurred just eight days ago in the same