University of Virginia Library

Class Of 1972 Schedules Elections
For President, School Representatives

Elections for the President and
representatives of the graduating class of
1972 will be held next Monday and

As specified by the new Senior Class
constitution, the president may be
elected from any school in the University.
In the past the president was elected from
the College and the vice-president from
the Engineering School.

Candidates for president are Hal
Bogart, College; Michael Capobianco,
College; Neville DeHart College; and
Tom Goss, College. Other candidates are
Jay McSpadden, College; Steve Simmerman,
Commerce; Nelson Winter, College; and Church

The constitution further states that one
representative from each undergraduate school
be elected. Graduate school representatives are
appointed by their respective governing boards.
From this Executive Board is elected the
vice-president, secretary, treasurer and

Following this outline, six people have
submitted petitions enabling them to run for
the representative position from the College.
They are Charles Burr, Lovelace Cook, Alan
Featherstone, Scott Gleason, Spencer Syrett
and John Wood.

No candidates have submitted petitions
from the schools of Engineering, Architecture
and Education. According to Cliff Weckstein,
parliamentarian of the 1971 class, write-in
candidates from these schools will win.