University of Virginia Library

Class Gift Fund
Goes To Library

The Executive Board of the Senior
Class has acted to allocate the entire class
gift fund to the library due to the
overwhelming majority of students who
voted in favor of the donation.

Bob Nigro, Senior Class President,
stated that the decision was based on the
results of the referendum taken during
the last Student Council election.
Seventy-six percent of the vote favored
use of the funds for the library, with 16
per cent of the vote going toward establishing
an undergraduate research fund and eight per
cent for restoration of the Bayly Museum.

Mr. Nigro stated that the vote was
overwhelmingly for the library in each of the

The class gift fund consists of $3,500 and
those funds accrued after June 1. Mr. Nigro said
that this would total from $5,000 to $7,000.
The class gift will be presented on Class Day in
the name of the Class of 1971.

The remainder of the Senior Class funds,
$4,500, will be divided up as a "school
affiliation fund." Allotments range from $230
for the business school to $1450 for
the College.

Use of the funds is decided upon by each
school, with all plans for allocation approved
by the Executive Board of the Senior Class.

Funds may be used for social functions, as a
supplement to the class gift, or as a separate