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Stephens Quits Council Post
Citing Counseling Duties

By Chris Donart
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Scott Stephens, College representative,
resigned from Student Council yesterday,
stating that he "could no longer devote
the necessary amount of time that the job

Mr. Stephens, a third-year man, was
re-elected to Council in the elections last
December. He was the only member of
the Jefferson Party to win a position in
the election. Mr. Stephens was first
elected last spring to fill a new position
created by reapportionment. His
resignation becomes effective April 30.

Kevin Mannix, Council President, said
that Mr. Stephens had been unable to
attend regular Council meetings on Tuesday
nights this semester because of a class that met
at the same time.

In a letter to Mr. Mannix, Mr. Stephens
expressed his regret in resigning, stating that he
believed Council was "finally realizing some
long-sought goals."

He expressed the need for Council "to keep
a close check on the scope of its activities,"
stating that it was "senseless for the Council as
a body to react to national issues." Mr.
Stephens emphasized that he felt that this was
not the purpose of Council. Efforts to alter
national policy should be carried out by those
interested in these activities, Mr. Stephens felt,
and this activity "should not be at the expense
of those students not interested." Mr. Stephens
added that activities of national concern should
not be placed under Council supervision, and he
stated his hope that Council would "continue
those activities which are specifically


Scott Stephens

Resigns From Student Council Position