University of Virginia Library

Address By S

By Mark Schapiro
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer


Senator Birch Bayh of Indiana
address a convocation in Cabell H
auditorium at 8:15 p.m. on Monday
March 30. Senator Bayh, chairman of
Senate Constitutional Rig
Subcommittee, is currently one of
prime contenders for the Democrat
Presidential nomination.

Widely regarded as one of the Senate
outstanding constitutional authority
Senator Bayh wrote and guided
passage the 25th amendment to
Constitution which deals w
presidential inability and vice president
succession. Believing that leaving
decision concerning the 18-year-old v
to the states was no solution, Senator B
pressed for the proposed amendment lower
the minimum voting age to 18 years which
final Congressional approval Monday.

As author of the Senate Resolution w
could give the people their right to vote dire
for President and Vice President, he is lea
the effort to abolish the Electoral College.
Bayh is also a leader in the effort to as
equal rights for women through a constitutional
amendment prohibiting discrimination because
of sex.

In a speech printed in the Congressional
Record concerning the invasion of L
Senator Bayh stated that "We should no
expanding the war, but trying to find wa
de-escalate it. We should not be taking ac
in Indochina which seem to assure our fu