University of Virginia Library

Camp Faith Drive Asks Donations

An informal faculty committee has
been organized to canvass the University
community to raise funds for Camp
Faith, a local summer day camp for

The committee, headed by Francis R.
Hart of the English department, hopes to
raise eight of the fifteen thousand dollars
needed for the program both faculty and
student donations. First-year student
Katie Griffin, a former counselor of
Camp Faith, is in charge of soliciting
funds from students in the dormitory

The camp, which has now completed
four summers of operation, offers several
two-week sessions of free recreation, arts and
crafts and swimming to several hundred
underprivileged children from the
Charlottesville area.

Approximately one hundred area teenage
volunteers work as counselors and program
aides under the supervision of a staff of
volunteer and paid college students.

Mrs. John L. Snook, President of the Camp
Faith Board, stated, "while it is important that
most of the volunteers in the program come
from the local community, we are also planning
a drive to recruit University students."

The cost of a two week session for each
camper is fifteen dollars. Mrs. Snook stated that
the drive is extremely important because the
1971 camp will register only those campers
whose way has been payed, by local
contributions, before May first."

According to Mr. Hart, the officers of the
board of Camp Faith anticipate that the
organization will be supported by United Givers
Fund after next year. Because of this Mr. Hart
feels that "this year is Camp Faith's crucial
year." and that "hopefully a University-wide
drive will not be necessary next year."

Any faculty member or student who is not
contacted by the fund raising committee or
Miss Griffin may make contributions through
Mr. Hart, 109 Wilson Hall, or directly through
Mrs. Snook, 35 Monroe Hill.