University of Virginia Library

Dorm Council
Admits Coeds

Residents of the Alderman Road
upperclass dorms and of Mary Munford
dorm approved a new constitution
Thursday night creating an Association of
Residents Councils. The new constitution
has also been approved by the Nursing
Student Council and will be voted on by
the McKim Hall residents Monday.

The Alderman Road Legislative
Council, which will be replaced by the
new Association, initiated action on the
new constitution. A committee, made up
of residents from the three dorm areas
involved, and chaired by Dick Hickman
and Doug Golden of the Alderman
Council, drafted the new constitution late
in February.

The Document was then approved by
Chester Titus, Associate Dean of Students, and
Ralph Main, Director of Housing. The new
council will unite the male and female
upperclass councils now in existence.

By creating a council representing the views
of both men and women residents, the
Alderman Council officers hope to alleviate the
present problem of a small all-male

The new association will create local
autonomous councils for each upperclass dorm
complex. These councils will have jurisdiction
on any question concerning their particular
area. In addition, an Executive Cabinet,
comprised of the officers from each area, will
have authority in matters concerning more than
one complex.

The vote on the constitution was 363 in
favor and 17 opposed in the Alderman Road
dorms while in Mary Munford the constitution
was accepted unanimously.

Also on the ballot was a by-law allowing the
Association to establish a fee of up to $2.00 for
social activities. The by-law passed in the
Alderman Road dorms 267 to 113 and was also
approved in Mary Munford.

The new constitution will take effect
following the April elections for association
officers and is structured to allow new dorm
complexes to enter the association when they
are built.