University of Virginia Library

Howell, Dan Co-Chair Counseling Program

By Bryan DeLaney
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

The Committee on Counselors
announced the appointment yesterday of
Ross (Gus) Howell and Terry Dan, both
third year College students, to the
positions of Co-Chairmen of Counselors
for the first year counseling program.


Photo By Andy Stickney

Ross (Gus) Howell

Co-Chairman Of Counselors

Mr. Howell and Mr. Dan will replace
Steve Brickman who is presently serving
as Chairman of Counselors and Barry
Leader, Vice-Chairman. The decision to
eliminate the position of vice-chairman
and have two co-chairmen was made in order to
reduce some of the administrative burden
presently carried by a single chairman.

According to Mr. Howell the tentative plan
is to divide the chairman's responsibility into
two areas. Mr. Dan who is presently serving as
senior counselor of Balz House will be in charge
of the first year counseling program in the
Alderman Road dormitories. Mr. Howell will
then have responsibility for the program in all
McCormick Road houses.

Mr. Howell explained that this new
approach should be a considerable improvement
over the present system because the dormitory
areas actually constitute two different
communities. This is especially true because of
coeducation, but the differences in the dorms
themselves are also a large part of it.

This situation, Mr. Howell continued,
necessarily requires two different approaches
and would place a tremendous burden on
anyone trying to handle it alone.

The Committee on Counselors selected
Messrs. Howell and Dan from a group of five
students which also included Tom Buchanan,
Scott Stephens, and Hal Bogard. Each applicant
was required to submit a formal application and
an essay on the counseling program. They were
then interviewed prior to selection by the
Committee as a whole.


Photo By Andy Stickney

Terry Dan

Co-Chairman Of Counselors