University of Virginia Library

Graduate Students Publish Booklet
On Various Aspects Of Drug Use

Ten University law and medical
students have published a 23-page
booklet on the legal and medical aspects
of drug use.

The booklet was prepared and funded
by the Student Council which is currently
making arrangements to distribute the
6000 copies printed to students here. The
Council earlier this year also distributed a
pamphlet on birth control to University

The drug pamphlet, entitled Current
Medical and Legal Facts About Drug Use,
was designed to present the basic medical and
legal facts concerning drug use. The material is
divided into two chapters, each devoted to one
aspect of drug use.

Medical Effects

The section on the medical phase discusses
various drugs and drug categories, detailing the
dosage usually taken and the effects of using a
particular drug. Those drugs covered include
tobacco, narcotic analgesics (like opium, heroin
and codeine), sedatives, alcohol, hallucinogenics
(like LSD, mescaline, and psilocybin),
marijuana and amphetamines.

The potential dangers involved in use or
abuse of particular drugs, from a health
standpoint, are also included by the medical
students who prepared the chapter. Fourth-year
students Andy Barada, Jim Grotta and Steve
Keichel and second-yearman Paul Marino were
the contributors who collected the information
for the medical section of the pamphlet.

The chapter on the legal aspects of drug use,
compiled by six second-year law students,
includes sections on the Virginia Drug Control
Act, the Federal drug laws, and the state laws
of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and
New York.

Legal Procedures

The legal chapter also covers the
recommended procedure persons should follow
during a police raid, a listing of a suspect's
constitutional rights, and a description of the
usual search and seizure policies.

The six law students who contributed to the
chapter on the legal aspects of drug use were
Boyd Hixson, Don Harper, Regina Crea, Pat
Rega, Bill Ross, and Jim Beste.

Mr. Barada, Mary Poulin, David Kirstein and
Diane Downing acted as Editing Board for the
drug booklet.

Although the booklets were received from
the printer only late yesterday afternoon, the
Council hopes to have the copies made available
to students today. Stacks of pamphlets will be
placed in the Post Offices in Emmet, Tuttle.
McKim and Munford/Gwathmey dormitories,
at Student Health, the Medical School lounge,
the law school library, and at the Information
Desk and the Council office in Newcomb Hall.