University of Virginia Library

College Officers Election

Elections for the four officers (see below) of the College of Arts and Sciences for
1971-72 are scheduled for March 16 and 17. No candidates for any of the four
positions will be nominated by the two political parties of the College. All candidates
for any of the four positions are required to submit a petition (one original petitions
for each candidate) with 200 signatures supporting his candidacy by 5:00 P.M., March
8, to the Offices of Student Government in Newcomb Hall. At that time a meeting of
the Student Council Elections Committee under Tom Rickards will be held to explain
campaign and election procedures.

I. President

The President of the College or Arts and Sciences is Chairman of the Honor
Committee, and as such is concerned almost exclusively with the affairs of the Honor
Committee. There is no other person at the University more involved with the Honor
System, and consequently he is considered the contemporary authority on the System
and its official representative. As Chairman, he is responsible for setting up honor
trials, and chairs the majority of them; he is in charge of the orientation of all
incoming students to the Honor System; he makes various speeches when necessary,
and maintains correspondence with other schools requesting information on the Honor
System. He is expected to assume the real leadership of the other ten members on the
Honor Committee.

II. Vice-President

In recent years, especially since the incorporation into the Honor System of a
comprehensive appeal procedure has increased the work-load of the Honor Committee,
the Vice-President of the College has come to serve as Vice-Chairman of the
Committee, and, as Vice-Chairman, assists the Chairman in administrative matters
when necessary. Under the appeal procedure, he sits as the College representative on
most original honor trials from schools other than the College. The Vice-President of
the College also serves as a member of The Cavalier Daily Board of Directors.

III. Secretary

The Secretary of the College of Arts and Sciences is the Chairman of the Bad Check
Committee and handles all the administrative matters pertaining to that committee.
Along with the secretaries of the other undergraduate schools at the University, he sits
on all bad check trials. Under the appeal procedure he sits with the President of the
College on the majority of the original honor trials involving College students.

IV. Historian

The position of Historian of the College of Arts and Sciences, discontinued several
years ago, is being reinstituted to aid the other three College officers in attending to
the increasing work-load of the Honor Committee. He shall act as the permanent
secretary of the Honor Committee (although he shall not be a voting member), and
shall assist the Chairman and Vice-Chairman in administrative matters when necessary.
He shall be eligible to sit as a representative of the College on honor trials.