University of Virginia Library

City Council, Virginia Mobe
To Meet On Peace Treaty

By Terry Jasperson

In a continuing search for support of
the People's Peace Treaty, the Virginia
Mobilization - Committee will take the
treaty before the Charlottesville City
Council next Monday evening at 7:30.

The Peace Treaty will be presented to
the City Clerk on Friday. He will send
copies of the treaty to every member of
the Council. At Monday night's meeting,
members of the Virginia Mobilization
Committee will discuss the treaty with
the City Council and will ask them to
ratify it.

The VMC is seeking ratification of the
treaty from as many people and groups as

Last week, in a campaign for signatures
around the grounds, the VMC collected 1,500
signatures. Ken Lewis, Student Coordinator for
the National Student Association, told The
Cavalier Daily "that considering the limited
man-power used to collect the signatures, the
result was pretty good."

Petitions Circulated

Along with manning tables outside of Wilson
Hall, Cocke Hall and Newcomb Hall, members
of the committee circulated petitions through
the first year dorms. One hundred petitions
were sent out, but only 25 of them have been

At the moment the First Year Council is
considering the People's Peace Treaty and will
take action on it at their next meeting. Tables
will be set up at the basketball game on
Saturday, to collect further signatures.

State Ratification

In the near future, the Virginia Mobilization
Committee wants to take the People's Peace
Treaty before the Virginia State Legislature.
Mr. Lewis plans to ask the legislature to ratify
the treaty or to present it to the state in the
form of a referendum. As Mr. Lewis stated, "I
will attempt to show that the people of Virginia
do not support the war and in fact are not at
war with the people of Viet Nam."

In conjunction with national anti-war
groups, the VMC is drawing up plans for the
spring anti-war offensive.