University of Virginia Library

Coach May Receive Boost

According to a report in the
Richmond Times-Dispatch, basketball
coach Bill Gibson can expect "a nice
raise" because of the success the Cavaliers
have experienced this year.

The promise of a monetary reward for
the coach was attributed to Gene
Corrigan, director of athletics at the
University. When contacted Thursday,
however, Mr. Corrigan expressed surprise
at the report.

"That's news to me," he said.

Mr. Gibson also expressed interest in
the account, saying that he knew nothing of the
raise. He did say, however, that he was grateful
for the spectator turnout, and that the interest
of the community had a direct relation to the
team's success this season.

The Cavaliers' outing of 14-4 this year is the
first winning season Charlottesville has seen
since 1954.

The Times-Dispatch reported Mr. Corrigan
as saying that the raise would not be
forthcoming until the season's end because
"now is not the time we do things like that."

Mr. Corrigan denied the account, adding
that any definite decision on a congratulatory
raise would not be made until later in the year
when salaries for the following year are

Mr. Gibson, as well as the other coaches,
does have a written contract, but he has
reportedly received a raise every year since he
came to the University eight years ago.