University of Virginia Library

Students Review
Concert Problem

By Ann Brown
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

In light of the problems which have
arisen recently over the concert for
Midwinters Weekend, Student Council
President Kevin Mannix met yesterday
with students to discuss possible
solutions, including the possibility of
arranging "Big Weekends" around dates
when name groups could be booked.

Tom Collier, Chairman of Concerts for
the University Union, commented that
his organization had trouble booking
most groups because he had to start with a date
and then find a band. The most effective way
to proceed, he stated, was to choose several
name groups and then find out which dates
they were open.

A member of the Inter-Fraternity Council
who attended thy meeting remarked, "Virginia
is low school on the totem pole as far as the
Rock world is concerned." He attributed this
attitude to bad audience response and poor
sound systems in the past.

Some felt that the newly-proposed Concert
Coordinating Committee could assign concert