University of Virginia Library

Michie Recount Begins Friday

A recount on the four-vote margin
election of Thomas Michie to the Virginia
House of Delegates from Charlottesville
will probably begin Friday, according to
yesterday's Daily Progress.

Mr. Michle, a Democrat, defeated his
Republican opponent, Joseph Wright, Jr., in the
election held December 29. According to
unofficial tallies, Mr. Michie received 2649
votes and Mr. Wright 2645.

The Democrat's lead may be cut down to
one vote depending on a decision of the U.S.
Supreme Court. Three votes cast for Mr. Michie
are only provisional as the three persons voting
are state residents for only six months. Federal
law requires a year residency. A court decision
upholding the federal law is now on appeal to
the Supreme Court.

The Daily Progress stated that Harold Snead,
Chief Justice of the Virginia Supreme Court of
Appeals, was reported to be ready to announce
the beginning of the recount Friday.

The recount will be presided over by a board
of court judges. Included on the board will be
Judges George M. Coles of Charlottesville
Corporation Court, D. Carlton Mayes of the
Southside Fourth Circuit Court, and William
Sweeney of the Sixth Circuit Court in