University of Virginia Library

Students Meet Developer
To Propose Uses For Land

William D. Cannon, planner of the
Jefferson Park Avenue motel, business,
and dormitory complex, will meet with
the Student Council today at 3 p.m. to
discuss his project.

Mr. Cannon, representing
Construction Finance Management
Corporation, had previously withdrawn
his petition of rezoning the present site,
saying that he wanted a plan worked out
that conforms to the long range plans of the
University and the community.

The planned complex would include an
eight-story Sheridan motel, complete with
convention rooms. Also on the 3.5 acre plot
would be a five-story apartment style
dormitory. An S&W cafeteria, movie house, and
shopping center similar to the stores at the
Corner, were planned.

According to Ray Cary, news announces for
WINA, Mr. Cannon was "surprised" that the
University was not open about their decision,
and that he thought lie was working closely
with the University when he received no
reaction to his proposals.

Later the Board of Visitors waited to reveal
a resolution against parts of his project in a
hearing, a move that was reportedly unexpected
by Mr. Cannon.

A resolution to this situation is being sough:
through negotiations with the Student Council.