University of Virginia Library

Council, Judiciary Elections Draw Near

Elections to fill the Student Council
and Judiciary Committee posts from the
College and the Engineering School will
be held this week.

Polling locations will be set up at
approximately 24 places around the
Grounds and will be open from 9 a.m. to
5 p.m. Tomorrow and Thursday, the days
of the election.

Candidates for the College's three seats
include Bob Levin, Ham Lob, and Willie Ivey,
the Virginia Progressive Party's candidates,
Scott Stephens, Robert Voyles and Mark
Warner are running for the posts under the
Jefferson Party banner.

Eugene C. Harter, III, is the Liquifactionist

Seeking the Council seat from the
Engineering School are Gregory Compton,
Theta Tau; Jim Rinaca, Trigon; Tom Saunders,
New Engineering Party; and Mike Monahan,

Three seats from the College and one from
the Engineering School will also be filled on the
Judiciary Committee. The VPP candidates from
the college are Brian Siegel, Fred Johnson, and
Tom Goss, while Bill Garner, Bill McSherry,
and Dave Llewellyn are the JP nominees.


Scott Stephens


Bob Levin

Eugene Harter

Buy a one pound box of corn starch and
mix it in a large bowl with a small amount of
water. Inhale your favorite intoxicant and then
take a handful of the gooey mixture in your
hand. You'll probably never want to go to class

Anyway, it's our party and we'll cry if we
want to. You would cry too, if it happened to
you. $25 is too much money.

Vote Liquifactionist Our goal is to become

Bob Levin

The two major political parties have come
up with remarkably similar platforms. While it
is a welcome sight that students have at last
agreed on common goals the question arises as
to which candidates will exercise the most
effective means in attaining those goals. I
believe a strong background in understanding
the issues and proof of past willingness to get
involved is needed. Most of all, in these times of
immense problems of growth, positive, not
negative thinking is needed.

Scott Stephens

Having served on the Council for one
semester. I feel the Student Council needs to
redirect its priorities. In view of the fact that
we are besieged with problems in every area of
student life it is not necessary to seek
elsewhere for issues. I believe the problems
which are currently affecting students should
be dealt with first. When these are worked on
successfully, then we can look forward for our
future students and try to solve their problems
too. The Student Council should not be a
forum for the expression of political ideologies!

Robert Voyles

The University is going to undergo some
very substantial changes these next few years.
Having served on First-Year Council and having
attended Student Council meetings this year
has brought to mind the urgency in which some
form of direct first year representation is
needed on Student Council. I would like to see
Council take a more intensified interest in
students at the University now and especially
take more time dealing with the many problems
we, as first yearmen, face.


Robert Voyles