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Student Council Commences Curriculum Evaluation Report
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Student Council Commences
Curriculum Evaluation Report

There will be a meeting of all
upperclassmen in the College of Arts and
Sciences who are interested in being
department editors for the forthcoming
Student Council Curriculum Evaluation
Report on Wednesday, December 2 at 8
in the South Meeting Room of Newcomb

The report, under the general
editorship of fourth-yearman Jim
Bradshaw, will be the third such
evaluation offered by the Academic Affairs
Committee of the Student Council.

Concerned with an analysis of this fall
semester's curriculum the book is planned for
publication sometime in the Spring. Plans for
an expanded objective basis for evaluation using
the University computer facilities to
complement the standard subjective review are
under consideration.

Department editors in the College will be
responsible for liaison with the faculty,
distribution and collection of forms, and-the
analysis of both individual courses and
department curriculum. Evaluation will include
all twenty-one academic departments and the
three ROTC units. The general editor for the
College of Arts and Sciences is Don Langevoort.

This year, the report will include all the
undergraduate schools at the University, not
simply the College, as in the past. Organizations
for the other schools will be forming in the
next few weeks.