University of Virginia Library

Med School Staff Members
Receive Full Professorships

Six members of the University School
of Medicine faculty have been promoted
to the rank of professor.

They include Robert R. Cardell Jr., in
anatomy; Ying Tang Hsu, pathology;
Marion K. Humphries Jr., ophthalmology;
Julian I. Kitay, internal medicine and
physiology; John A. Owen Jr., internal
medicine, and Peyton E. Weary,

Dr. Cardell was research associate and
lecturer at Harvard University's Biological
Laboratories before joining the University
faculty here in 1967. Among his research
concerns have been sub cellular effects of
metabolic hormones in rat liver cells.

Dr. Hsu, a native of China, joined the
University faculty in 1945. Previously he had
been professor of pathology at Hsiang-Ya
Medical College in China. In recent years his
research has centered on the pathology of
disease of the ear and skin.

Chairman of the department of
ophthalmology since 1965, Dr. Humphries is a
member of the Virginia Commission for the
Visually Handicapped and chairman of this
year's fund-raising drive for the Virginia Society
for the Prevention of Blindness.

Dr. Kitay joined the University medical
faculty in 1959 after teaching previously at the
College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia
University. His research has been in
endocrinology, as in a hormone study designed
to determine a means for overcoming side
effects of steroid drugs.

Endocrinology and metabolism have been
among the general research interests of Dr.
Owen who joined the University medical
faculty in 1960. In particular, he has done
research on various aspects of obesity and
diabetes. He currently is president of the
Virginia Diabetes Association.

Yeast organisms on the skin which may both
contribute to acne lesions and inhibit other
cutaneous organism have been a major research
emphasis of Dr. Weary, in addition to
superficial fungus infections of the skin and
various genetic disorders.