The Cavalier daily Monday, October 12, 1970 | ||
A. E. Dick Howard To Discuss
Virginia Constitutional Reforms
A. E. Dick Howard, Executive
Director of Virginians for the
Constitution, will speak on the proposed
revisions of the Virginia Constitution on
Tuesday, October 13, 8 p.m. at the
Johnson School Auditorium located on
Cherry Avenue in Charlottesville.
Mr. Howard, who makes his home in
Charlottesville, graduated Phi Beta Kappa from
the University of Richmond, and was a Rhodes
Scholar at Oxford. He also received a law
degree from the University.
Mr. Howard practiced law in Washington,
D.C. for two years before becoming a law clerk
for United States Supreme Court Justice Hugo
Black in 1962. In 1964 he joined the University
law faculty and was an associate dean from
1967 to 1969.
He was appointed by Gov. Linwood Holton
to his present position as Executive Director,
Virginians for the Constitution. In addition, he
is Executive Director, Virginia Commission on
Constitutional Revision.
Mr. Howard has written several books and
articles on constitutionalism, especially on the
concepts of the Magna Carta. Among his
publications are, Magna Carta: Text and
Commentary, and The Road from Runnymede:
Magna Carta and Constitutionalism in America.
He has also been editor of Magna Carta Essays,
in 1965, The Virginia Lawyer (1966) and
Jamestown Essays on Representation (1969).
The Cavalier daily Monday, October 12, 1970 | ||