University of Virginia Library

Garland, Schul To Visit
Republican Workshop

Young Republicans at the University
will have the opportunity to meet
Senatorial candidate Ray Garland and
Edd Schul, Executive Director of the
Republican Party of Virginia, during the
YR Campaign Workshop to be held
Saturday, September 26.

The program will officially begin at
noon with an informal gathering in the
lobby of Wilson Hall. Mr. Garland will
meet and talk with students at this time
and present a brief speech.

Shortly after this Mr. Schul will deliver a
talk at 1 p.m. on the future of the Republican
Party and problems which the party can expect
in the next decade. His talk will also include a
discussion of the task of making the Republican
Party the majority party in Virginia.

At 2 p.m. the Executive Director of the
National Young Republicans Federation
Morton Blackwell will present the final speech
of the day. His topic will include effective
campaign techniques and the operation and
organization of a successful fall campaign.
Emphasis will be placed on the practical phases
of campaigning such as canvassing and voter
identification, election day activities, and
distribution of pamphlets and bumper stickers.

Later in the afternoon at 3:30 p.m. the
workshop will be broken up into three smaller
groups. The purpose of these groups will be to
discuss and experience the practical aspects of

The first of these groups will undertake to
gain experience in the realm of grass roots
politics. Their activities will include passing out
stickers and pamphlets to the community.

The second group will be composed of the
presidents of YR organizations across the state
who will meet in order to discuss various
problems they may be having with their clubs
and exchange ideas and possible solutions.

Public relations representatives will compose
the third group. They will learn successful
techniques and formulate and release articles
concerning the workshop to all major Virginia

Saturday night the work ends, and, for those
involved in the workshop, the fun will begin in
the dance featuring the 45th Cavalry Band.
Free ice and mixer will be available.

Registration for the workshop will be held
from 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, and those
interested may also join the Young Republican
Party at this time.