University of Virginia Library

New Officers
In Commerce

Seventy-five per cent of the
Commerce School voted in the elections
for officers which took place yesterday.

Bob Nigro was elected the new
President over John Pettey, by a vote of
76 to 67. For Vice President, Dan West
won over a field of four with 67 votes.
Derek Smith was next with 42, followed
by Mike Messer with 18 and Dave Gruber
with 14.

Bob Maphis is the new Secretary-Treasurer,
winning with 80 votes over Al Richey's 50.

For the Commerce School seat on the
Student Council, Alan Botsford won
convincingly over Ken Silverman by a 106 to
33 count.

John Freeman won a seat on the Judiciary
Committee with 62, beating Allan Hirsch with
26 and Dave Kudravety with 53. And that's