University of Virginia Library

Art History Readies
To Change Program

Several changes in the Art History
program will be instituted this fall,
according to Paul Barolsky, Assistant
Professor of Art.

The goal of the changes will be to provide
more relation of the program to other
humanities and to avoid superficiality.

Foremost of these changes will be a shift in
emphasis in the Art History survey course, Art
2A. More depth of analysis will be sought, an
attempt to relate the course to the general areas
of literature and history will be made, and the
format of discussion sections will be made.

Comprehensive exams will no longer be
required for Art History majors, but will be
replaced by a senior thesis which each major
will write as a culmination of his degree work.

Another new feature of the curriculum will
be a seminar program for seniors, involving
several faculty members and emphasizing a
dialogue between faculty and students. Increased
use of the facilities available in
Washington D.C., such as the National Gallery
of Art, will also be undertaken in the coming

This fall the department will sponsor a series
of lectures in which faculty members will
present papers on Art History. They are
expected to stress interdisciplinary relationships
between Art History and other humanities, and
number about one each month.

Graduate programs leading to Ph.D. and
Masters degrees will also be offered next year.