University of Virginia Library

Sebo, Students 'Boot'
Anti- Gibson Campaign

By Mike Leech

Steve Sebo, Director of Athletics at
the University, has apparently succeeded
in putting a stop, at least for the time
being, to the "Boot the Hoot" campaign
against basketball coach Bill Gibson.

After speaking to Mr. Sebo, both of
the student groups which had intended to
distribute "Boot the Hoot" buttons have
decided to put off the campaign for fear
of jeopardizing the chances of the
basketball team.

The whereabouts of the buttons
ordered by students Ted McKean, Bill
Buck, Pete Drake and Mike Ross is
unknown. Robert Mincer, Jr., through
whom the buttons were ordered, stated that he
did not have the buttons, and would not say
who did.

"Out On A Limb"

Mr. Mincer said he regretted the entire-incident,
adding "we should never have ordered
the buttons in the first place." As to what
would happen once the season began, he did
not want to "go out on a limb."

Mr. McKean said that the buttons were
ordered in the first place as a joke, and he and
the other students have agreed not to distribute
the buttons until the basketball team has had a
chance to prove itself. Mr. McKean said "we
agreed that it would be unfair to the team, and
might jeopardize recruiting efforts."

Another group of students, however, do
have "Boot the Hoot" buttons of a slightly
different design, and until recently were
distributing them. After speaking to Mr. Sebo,
though, they were convinced it would not be a
good idea to continue. The students, Jerry
Miller, Mark London, Doug Broache, and John
Covalla, all second-year students, have spoken
to Mr. Sebo on several occasions during the past

'Subtle Pressure'

"We were impressed by both the subtle
pressure applied by Mr. Sebo, and the fact that
the team should be given a chance to prove
itself this year," they said. "But we feel
strongly that the problems of last year will be
remedied in one way or another."

What kinds of pressure were applied is a
matter of conjecture, but the students did
quote Mr. Sebo as saying, "You all are ganging
up on one man, and you may get ganged up on

The buttons were obtained from an
out-of-town firm, and at less cost than those
ordered through Mincers. Distribution of the
buttons will certainly not begin before the VMI
game, scheduled for December 10, at the

"There is some doubt as to whether they
will ever be distributed," but Mr. London,
speaking for the group, said "We feel that
there's a lot of sentiment around the University
for improved athletics, and how it manifests
itself, only time will tell."

Mr. Sebo could not be reached for comment
last night.