University of Virginia Library

Student Group
Supports ROTC

A group of concerned students who call
themselves "The Ad Hoc Committee to Keep
Degree Credit for ROTC" will make their views
on that subject known to the faculty and

Dave Llewellyn, spokesman for the group,
says that the group's strategy will be to
circulate petitions to get a reasonable idea of
the amount of student support for granting
academic credit for ROTC courses.

The petition reads: "We the undersigned
support degree credit for ROTC courses as
specified in section 111 of the Faculty
Curriculum Committee Report of November
18, 1969 (i.e. 12 credit hours credit towards a
B.A. or B.S. degree in the College of Arts and
Sciences). We believe that it is the right of
students to pursue such study for degree credit
if they so desire."

The petitions will be circulated today and
Monday in front of Cabell Hall and on the
second floor of Newcomb Hall in front of the
Contract Cafeteria.

The committee plans to inform the faculty
of the results of the petition in the near future
in hopes that its results will be considered.