University of Virginia Library

Fourth-Year Class Re-elects
VP, Treasurer This Week

Fourth-year men will vote Wednesday
and Thursday, October 8 and 9, in a
special election for Vice President and
Treasurer of the Class of 1970.

The elections this week will be held
for the second time, after the Student
Council decided that the results of last
spring's election would have to be

The vice-presidential election is being
repeated because Brad Armstrong, the
winner of the spring election, did not return to
school this semester. The Student Council ruled
that the treasurer's election was invalid because
nearly 100 ballots omitted the name of the
second place finisher.

The Student Council Elections Committee
has taken steps to insure the accuracy of the
new elections. The Council has posted 250
posters around the University announcing the
balloting. There will be twelve ballot boxes,
open both days from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., although
there will be no poll-watchers.

The candidates have not campaigned, and no
candidate has been permitted to release posters.

The candidates and their activities are:


Leslie Diamond — Third-year Engineering
Science; Dean's List; Intermediate Honors;
Alpha Epsilon Delta; Virginia Progressive Party;
Alderman Road Legislative Council; Rapier;
AIAA; B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation.

Barry Graham — Electrical Engineering;
Dean's List; DuPont Scholarship; Judiciary
Committee Pi Delta Epsilon; Rush Chairman,
Vice President, Theta Tau; Executive Editor,
Fraternities Editor, Corks and Curls; Captain,
Freshman Soccer; ACC Honor Roll; IEEE; Vice
President, Pledgemaster, Delta Kappa Epsilon.

William McManus — Student Council;
President, School of Engineering; Trigon
Engineering Society; Engineering Council; Jefferson
Society; President, Engineer's Club;
Delta Sigma Phi.

Louis Paulson — Aero-Engineering; Dean's
List; NROTC Scholarship; Chairman, Engineering
Council; FIP Program; Theta Tau Professional
Fraternity; First-year, Varsity Baseball;
Intramural Manager, Delta Kappa Epsilon.


W. Lewis Brown — Faculty Committee on
Student Counseling; Vice President, School of
Commerce; President, Delta Sigma Pi Business
Fraternity; Governing Board, Cavalier Daily;
Virginia Rugby Football Club; Rush Committee,
Pledge Marshall, Executive Committee,
Sigma Nu.

James Boyd Page — Dean's List; Dormitory
Counselor; Assistant Sports Editor, Corks and
Curls; Varsity Football; V-Club; Fellowship of
Christian Athletes; Zeta Psi.

Edgar Parrish — Secretary Treasurer, School
of Commerce; Bad Check Committee; Commerce
Council; Alpha Kappa Psi; Young
Republicans; Student Council High School
Recruitment Program.

Dick Reid — I. M. Manager, Lacrosse; IFC
Representative; Treasurer, Vice President Zeta