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For 4—3—2 Committee

IFC Elects Jacobs, MacDonald

By Tom Jenks
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

In the Inter-Fraternity Council
elections Monday night. Steve
Jacobs and Rod MacDonald were
elected to the Committee on
Fraternities, also called the 4-3-2

Nominated for the three open
positions on the Committee on
Fraternities were Mr. Jacobs, Mr.
MacDonald, and Greg Hodges. Mr.
Jacobs received 20 votes; Mr.
MacDonald received 24; and Mr.
Hodges received 14.

In the first ballot for two
positions on the IFC's Governing
Board, Doug Bain, Jay Costan, Bob
Bryan, and Steve Brickman received
19, 13, 12, and 19 votes respectively.
Mr. Bryan was dropped from
the list and in the second ballot,
Mr. Bail collected 20 votes and Mr.
Brickman collected 26 to win over
Mr. Costan who garnered 15 votes.

Three people - Dave Shaw,
Henry Doggrell, and David Hulse -
were nominated for three positions
on the Rush Board and were
accepted by acclamation.

Mr. Hulse, who is a member of
St. Anthony's Hall, was prohibited
by his house from saying whether
or not he fulfilled the requirement
of being house president; however,
the IFC decided to accept his

Mr. MacDonald's election to the
Committee on Fraternities has
caused him to vacate his position
on the Governing Board, thus
opening that position for another
person. An election for this position
will be held at next week's
meeting of the IFC.

The new seat on the Committee
on Fraternities recently created is
to be filled next week in an election
at the Governing Board's regular
meeting. At that time it is possible
that another position on either the
Governing Board or the Rush Board
will be opened, in which case an
election will be held at the IFC
meeting next Monday.

IFC members have termed their
carnival held at the Charlottesville
Rehabilitation Center last Sunday a
"success," noting that 26 fraternities
participated in the event.

Alpha Tau Omega and Sigma
Chi fraternities were awarded first
and second prizes for the originality,
appearance, and challenge of
their booths at the carnival.

At the end of the meeting, Steve
Jacobs presented for the IFC's
consideration the idea of allowing
houses to end pledging and have
initiations in the second semester of
each year.

Mr. Jacobs said that his idea
would allow houses that wanted to,
to have shorter pledge programs
without making all the houses have
short pledge programs. The matter
will come before the IFC Monday.