University of Virginia Library

Jefferson Society, VCHR Panel
Discuss University Life, Future

By Pete Shea
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Life at the University, past,
present and future, will be the topic
of two public discussions to be held
later this week.

Tomorrow at 7:30 p.m., the
Jefferson Society will present a
discussion on "The University: A
Profile on Student Life." Eight
members of the University community
will participate in the
discussion, each giving a 10 minute
speech on certain aspects of University

William Weaver, a past Historian
and chairman of the University
Guide Service, will speak on traditions
of the University. Mr. Weaver
is also a member of the Sesquicentennial
Committee and has served
as a research assistant for the
Pictorial History of the University.

Don Lewis, editor of the University
of Virginia Magazine, will
discuss publications and student
intellectual movements. Other
speakers will be Bob Fisher, President
of the IFC, who will talk
about fraternities, and Ron Cass, a
member of Student Council and the
Student Coalition, will speak on
"the university in the future."

The colorful events of the
University's past will be the topic
of Walter Camp, who serves as
secretary of both UVM and the
Jefferson Society. Cliff Wechstein,
winner of the Moomaw Oratorical
Contest and treasurer of the Jefferson
Society, will speak on the
tradition of student dissent.

Pieter Schenkkan, Rhodes
Scholar designate and a member of
the Coalition, will cover the Student
Council. He is a former
member of that governing body.
The final speaker will be Larry
Altaffer, past President of the
College and Chairman of the Honor
Committee, who will talk about the
Honor System.

An informal question and answer
session will be held afterward
in Jefferson Hall. Refreshments will
be served.

The second discussion will be
held on Thursday, April 24, and is
being jointly sponsored by the
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Charlottesville-Albemarle
Chapter of the
Virginia Council on Human Relations.

The discussion will be held at 8
p.m. in Wilson Hall Auditorium.
Four panelists will take part in the
discussion which will be followed
by a period for questions from the

The panelists will include Dean
of Students D. Alan Williams, and,
William Elwood, Director of the
Transition Program. Also participating
will be Robert A. Williams,
President of the King chapter of the
Human Relations council, and Tom
Gardner, former President of The
Jefferson Society and chairman of

The panel will begin by discussing
the University's progress
over the past few years. It will also
address itself to the charge of
tokenism, indicate the future direction
for progress and stress opportunities
for faculty, student and
community involvement in University

Following the panel discussion,
there will be a meeting for all
interested people to discuss future
activities for the Spring directed
toward increased commitment to
equal educational opportunity.