University of Virginia Library

University Law School Graduate
Appointed To Justice Position

Donald E. Santarelli, a 1962
graduate of the University law
school, was recently appointed by
President Nixon to the newly
created post of Associate Deputy
Attorney General for the
Administration of Criminal Justice,
it was reported by the Virginia Law

Special Responsibility

This new office will have special
responsibility in the District of
Columbia, and will be responsible for
"developing, coordinating, and
implementing the new
Administration's program for crime
control and improvement in the
administration of criminal justice."
Mr. Santarelli will also assist the
Deputy Attorney General in
recommending the appointments of
federal judges, U.S. Attorneys, U.S.
Marshals, and Justice Department

Mr. Santarelli received his
undergraduate degree from Mount
St. Mary's College in 1959. While
attending the University, he was a
member of the editorial boards of
The Cavalier Daily and the Virginia
Law Weekly. He also coached the
University Debate Team.

In 1964 and 1965 Mr. Santarelli
served as law clerk to Judge
Thomas J. Michie of Charlottesville,
and accompanied Judge Michie for
two terms with the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.
Subsequently he became Assistant
Corporation Counsel for the
District of Columbia and later an
Assistant U.S. Attorney for the
District of Columbia.

House Appointment

In 1967 the House of
Representatives Committee on the
Judiciary appointed Mr. Santarelli
minority counsel, concerning
mainly constitutional law, civil
rights, criminal law, and criminal
procedure. Recently, he served as
special counsel to the Senate
Subcommittee on Constitutional
Rights, and at the time of his
appointment he was conducting a
review of the operations of the
Federal Bail Reform Act of 1966.