University of Virginia Library

Students Elect Councilmen Today

By Grafty Biddle

Elections for positions on the
Student Council and Judiciary
Committee will be held today and
tomorrow in the College of Arts
and Sciences and the School of

In the College, the Sceptre
Society candidates for the four
positions on the Council are Joel B.
Gardner, Steven Jacobs, and Dan
Lyons. For the two Judiciary
Committee seats, Sceptre's choices
are George Brown and Bob Card.

The candidates for the Council
from Skull and Keys are Everette L.
Doffermyre, Paul C. Hurdle, and
Bill Nixon. The Society's Judiciary
candidates are Jay Burton and Ben

From the University Party, Ron
Cass, Kevin Mannix, Tony
Sherman, and Chris Thaiss will be
running for seats on the Council.
Ridge Porter and Jim Beachell will
represent the party in an effort to
obtain seats on the Judiciary

The Freedom Party offers two
candidates for Student Council
positions, Joseph H. Snydor and R.
R. Richardson III, while Bobbie F.
Kerns, Jr. is the lone independent
running for Council.

The School of Engineering has
two candidates from the Trigon
Engineering Society and two from
Theta Tau running for positions on
the Student Council and Judiciary

From the Trigon Engineering
Society, Barry Grossman is seeking
election to the Council, while
Robert Kurtz is the candidate for
Judiciary Committee.

Theta Tau's candidate for
Student Council is Michael H.
Williams, while its choice for the
Judiciary Committee is Louis G.

The polls open at 8 this
morning and will remain open until
5 p. m. today and tomorrow. For
the College, the machines will be in
Tuttle Post Office, Emmet Post
Office, Newcomb Hall, Alderman
Library, and on the first, second and
fourth floors of Cabell Hall. The
voting machines for the School of
Engineering will be located in
Thornton Hall and the A. & M.

In addition to the voting
machines, ballot boxes will be
available at the following locations:
the Corner, Madison Lane, the
corner of Rugby Road and Main
Street, and Gilmer Hall.