University of Virginia Library

Campaigners Praised
For Primary Support


'Z' Wreath Sits At Statue In Jefferson Memorial

Society Joined In Ceremonies At National Monument

University students who have
been traveling to Pennsylvania by
private car to campaign in the
primary election have effectively
influenced the politics of that
state in favor of their candidate.

An official of the Pennsylvania
campaign called the students'
headquarters Saturday to express
his gratitude for Virginia's efforts.
Students from the University have
been involved in voter registration,
canvassing, office work and;
many other organizational tasks,
mainly in Pittsburgh.

The official informed them that
their efforts had been so impressive
that the rank and file of
the Democratic Party in Washington
County, where the students
worked, called the town meeting
and influenced the party machinery
of the country to support
Eugene McCarthy, the student's

The group will also send students
to work for the Indiana
primary, plans for which will be
made at a meeting Wednesday
night in the South meeting room
of Newcomb Hall at 6:30.