University of Virginia Library

Councilman States Candidacy
For Presidency Of College

Following is a letter to The Cavalier Daily from third-year man
Calvert announcing his candidacy for the presidency of the
College. -Ed.

Dear Sir:

I take this opportunity to announce my candidacy for the
office of President of the College in the upcoming College
elections. I am running for this office because I feel a personal
obligation to offer my services, if the student body desires them,
as a member of the Honor Committee. I am running for this
office as an individual, without any society or party affiliation

My experience in University life is broad in scope and my
qualifications will stand on their own. A question may arise,
however, concerning my status as a member of the Student
Council. If elected President of the College, I will immediately
submit to the President of the Student Council my resignation
from the Council, effective May 1, 1968, in order that I may
devote my full energies to the workings of our Honor System.
The President of the Student Council will then be required, as
provided in the Council Constitution, with the consent of Council,
to appoint someone to serve the remainder of my unexpired

I look forward to meeting and talking with many more of
you than I was able to see in last fall's Council campaign.

Sincerely yours,
Gordon R. Calvert