University of Virginia Library

Research Contest Deadline Announced

connected with the University
are eligible to compete in the
President's and Visitors' Research
Prize in the Natural Sciences
and Mathematics for 1968.

This annual contest is sponsored
by the University Chapter
of Sigma Xi, national science
honorary fraternity.

To be eligible for the 1968
President's and Visitors' Research

Any scientific investigators
Prize, entries must be received
in the office of W. B. Looney,
secretary of the Virginia Chapter
of the Society of Sigma Xi, by
5 p.m. Friday, December 15,

Mr. Looney's office is in the
Radiobiology and Biophysics
Laboratory of the University
School of Medicine.

Papers submitted for the prize
must be from the fields of astronomy,
biology, chemistry,
engineering, forestry, geology,
mathematics, medicine, physics,
or experimental psychology.

Publications embodying the
results of work performed and
completed by students in the University
while in residence shall
be eligible even though the
author may not be connected
with the University during the
year of publication.

There is an award of $100
for the winning entry.

The prize will be awarded at
the initiation banquet of the
society on March 19, 1968. Tracy
Sonneborn, an outstanding scientist
in the field of genetics,
will speak on "Biology Today
and Tomorrow" at the banquet.