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Woody To Speak Tonight In Fraternity Discussion
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Woody To Speak Tonight
In Fraternity Discussion

A panel discussion of "The
Fraternities and the University"
will be held tonight at 9 at the
Prism. This is the second in a
series of planned discussions
sponsored by the coffee house.

The first discussion early in
September was on "Sex and the
University Man." The Prism
described the first discussion as
"gratifyingly successful."

Dean Braxton Woody will attend
the session tonight. He said
recently in a lecture on "Traditions
at Virginia" that there are
many improvements fraternities
must adopt, including the abolishment
of physical brutality during
" week," and the confinement
of "open parties" to University
students only.

The fraternity side will be
defended by IFC officials, Ed
Hays (SPE) and John Light
(ATO). The Prism procedure is to
offer the topic to the panel for
intensive discussion and then
open the panel to questions and
comments from the floor.

The purpose of the meeting "is
not so much to reach a unanimous
conclusion but to provide
an intelligent and informed group
to explore the differing sides of an
issue together," said a Prism

The Prism will open at 8:30,
with the discussion beginning at
9. The Prism is located one block
north of Beta Bridge on the corner
of Gordon Avenue. There
will be no charge for admission