University of Virginia Library

Honor Tradition
Opens TV Series
On Local Area

A television program produced
at the University's Radio-Television
Center will be broadcast
at 5:15 p.m. Sunday on Richmond's
WCVE, Channel 23.

The program opens a new
documentary series entitled "Virginia
Visits," which will spotlight
various phases of the University
and its environs.

"On My Honor—The Great
Tradition," dealing with the University
Honor System is the
opening program of the series.
Moderator Ira Hull interviews
Honor Committee chairman,
Arthur P. Gray, a fourth-year
student from Richmond, and T.
Braxton Woody, assistant dean
of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Producer-director of the series
is Ben Crutchfield Jr. of the center
staff. "This is our first television
broadcast endeavor," he
said. "We're using our newly
installed closed circuit television
facilities at the center to rehearse
and prepare for the program
for taping in Richmond."

A branch of the University
School of General Studies, the
Radio-Television Center operates
the University Tape Network
which supplies more than one
hundred radio stations with seven
weekly programs.