University of Virginia Library

Menzies Sees Football Victory
During Unofficial Return Visit

There was a familiar, though
unexpected, face in the President's
box at Saturday's football
game against Buffalo.

Sir Robert Gordon Menzies,
former Prime Minister of Australia
and Scholar-in-Residence for
the 1966-67 session at the University,
paid an unannounced
visit to, Charlottesville for several
days last week, and saw his
second American football game.

"This is certainly a much happier
game than last year," Sir
Robert commented after the 3512
rout of Buffalo. Last year he
watched Tulane defeat the University

During his five-month stay
here, Sir Robert became very
popular with the students. He
left the University last February
to return to Australia and the
chancellorship of the University
of Melbourne.

According to an administration
official, Sir Robert and his
wife, Dame Pattie, came back to
the United States to watch the
America's Cup yacht races last
month off the coast of Newport,

Australia's entry, which lost
four straight races to America's
Intrepid in the best-of-seven series,
was named after Dame Pattie.

Sir Robert came to Charlottesville
in the middle of last week
and stayed with Ambassador and
Mrs. William C. Battle. Mr.
Battle was the United States Ambassador
to Australia during part
of Sir Robert's 17-year tenure as
prime minister.

Although the visit was primarily
a social one, the 76-year-old
statesman went to the University
Press, which is printing in book
form the compilation of the
speeches he made here last year.
(See related story above.)