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Summer Staff Applications Available
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Summer Staff Applications Available

Applications for Summer
Session Resident Staff
positions are now available in
the Student Affairs Office, 4
Kent House. Resident
Assistants and Senior Residents
receive single room rent as
compensation and the
Chairman receives from rent
and a stipend. Anyone wishing
to apply should submit a
completed application by
noon, May 9.


Coffee, tea and doughnuts
will be served at Webb and
Bonnycastle lounges this
Sunday at 11 a.m.

Sponsored by First-Year
Council, the charge is 50 cents
for all you can eat.

Math Symposium

The Department of Applied
Mathematics and Computer
Science is sponsoring a
symposium, "The World is a
System", today at 3:30 p.m.
and tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. in
the Chemistry building.

The six guest speakers
Friday evening will discuss
man's efforts to fashion his
technology to the rapidly
changing world. A panel
discussion on the recent M.I.T.
report, "The Limits to
Growth", will highlight the
activities on Saturday.

Commerce Dance

Commerce students are
cordially invited to a
Commerce School dance
tonight from 9 to 1 at the Four
Seasons Country Club. Dress is
semi-formal. Tickets are $1 and
must be brought at the
Commerce School prior to the

Beta Gamma Sigma

Fourteen Commerce
students and two faculty
members have been initiated
into the national commerce
honorary society Beta Gamma

C. Stewart Sheppard, dean
of the Graduate Business
School, and Asst. Commerce
Prof. Laurence C. Pettit Jr. are
the two faculty members

Fourth-year students
initiated into Beta Gamma
Sigma are Stephen Adams,
Kathryn Binion, Frederick
Brouillette Jr., Paul Warden,
Thomas Wilson, James Yates,
Fary Dungan, Alan Gravitt,
Richard Roberts and Marc

New members selected from
the third-year class are charles
Foster, Ellen Newman, Phillip
Shifflett and John Wine.

National Bank and Trust
president Hovey S. Dabney was
imitated into the society as an
honorary member.

Spring Concert

The University Jazz
Ensemble will present their
annual spring concert Sunday
at 8 p.m. in Old Cabell
Auditorium. Admission is free
and open to the public.


Newly elected President and
Vice President of Student
Council, Larry Sabato and
Mark Vorder Bruegge, will
appear tonight on "Focus", a
weekly news, and interview
program presented by WUVA'
The show will air at 7 p.m. on
Cablevision 10.

Council Seat

College Council, composed
of the College officers of
representatives to Student
Council, will accept
applications for the vacant seat
relinquished by Mark Vorder
Bruegge which will expire in
December of this year.

Applications may be
obtained in Student Gov.
offices Monday morning, and
must be submitted by 4 p.m.

Art Auction

The Annual Art Action,
sponsored by the third-year
design class of the Architecture
School will begin tonight at 8
in the lobby of Campbell Hall.
Base bids on the paintings,
drawings, prints, sculpture and
pottery range from $5 to $700.
The exhibition will be open to
the public beginning at 9 this

ID Checkers

Any students interested in
work during the 1973-74
school year checking
identification at Memorial
Gymnasium or the Cage in
University Hall should contact
the Honor Committee Office at