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Council Holds Election Meeting
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Council Holds Election Meeting

There is a required meeting
Monday at 4:00 pm in the
Student Council Offices for all
candidates in the upcoming
student elections. Petitions and
a $10.00 bond are due at this

Open Council positions
include 5 representatives from
the College, 1 from
Engineering, 1 from Graduate
Arts and Science, and 1 from
Law. Judiciary Committee
openings include 3
representatives from the
College, 2 from Engineering, 1
from Graduate Arts and
Sciences, 1 from Law, and 1
from Medicine.

All petitions require 25
names from the candidates'
respective schools except the
following: College candidates
for Student Council requires
119, and Graduate Arts and
Sciences candidates require 29.

If anyone desires to place a
referendum question on the
ballot, he must submit a
petition with 650 names of
students by Wednesday at 4

Italian Club Action

The University's Italian Club
held their first meeting at the
International Students House,
with the purpose of
establishing the club as an
officially recognized
organization of the University.

Leonard Sbrocchi, Italian
professor and the Faculty
Advisor to the club, noted an
aim of the club will be to
foster an interest in the many
aspects of Italian culture
throughout the University and
surrounding communities.

Membership in the club is
open to any person interested
in promoting the concerns of
the organization.

NYU Scholarship

Student inquiries about
the Root-Tilden Law
Scholarship offered by the
New York University Law
School should be directed
immediately to the Placement
Office in 5 Minor Hall.

Big Brother Tickets

Tickets are available at
reduced rates for all Madison
Hall Big Brothers and Sisters
who wish to take their little
brothers and sisters, free of
charge, to the December 5
performance of the Harlem
Globe Trotters at University

Tickets for Big Brothers and
Sisters will be sold for $2.50
each. If interested, call
Madison Hall before December
5, 977-7051.

Pompeii Lecture

Michael Grant, well known
authority on Greek and Roman
civilization, will lecture about
the buried city of Pompeii
tonight in the South Meeting
Room in Newcomb Hall at
8:16 p.m.

Mr. Grant, currently a
visiting professor at Virginia
Military Institute, was
educated at Cambridge
University, England.

German Reception

The German department
is having a reception today for
undergraduates interested in
learning about course offerings
for next semester or
contemplating a German

The reception will be from 4
to 5:30 p.m. in 116 Cocke
Hall. Those interested are
invited to attend.

Onsager To Speak

Lars Onsager, 1968 Nobel
Prize winner in chemistry and
former Yale professor, will
speak on "Protonic
Semi-conductors" at 4 p.m.,
today, in Room 203 of the
Physics Building.

Mr. Onsager is associated
with the center for Theoretical
Physics at the University of
Miami, and received his Nobel
Prize for his development of
the Onsager Reciprocal
Relations Theory.

He is a native of Norway and
was educated in Europe. He
received doctoral degrees from
Yale and Harvard and became a
member of the Yale faculty in

50's Party

The First Year Council will
sponsor a 50's party from 9
p.m. to 1 a.m. tomorrow in
Newcomb Hall Ballroom. Rock
and roll music, costume and
dance contests and nickel
cokes will be featured.
Admission will be $.75.

Jeff Society Speaker

Commonwealth History
Prof. Willie L. Rose will
address the Jefferson Society
"On Mary Washington 25
Years in Retrospect", tonight
at 8 p.m. in Jefferson Hall.

The public is cordially
invited to attend.