University of Virginia Library


Lounges House University Night

University Night meetings
will be held tonight in the
lounges of the McCormick
Road Houses beginning at 8

All members of the
University community are
invited by the Resident Staff
and the First Year Council "to
get together and talk."

The purpose of University
Night is to improve the
academic atmosphere at the
University through an
exchange of ideas between
those that teach, learn and

Program Adviser and
fourth-yearman Steve Johnson
said, "This is an excellent
opportunity for students,
faculty and administrators to
meet informally and discuss
any topic which may interest
them. Last year it came off
quite well. Everyone seemed to
enjoy it."

Donuts and punch will be

Curriculum Evaluation

The Student Council
Curriculum Evaluation
Committee will meet at 2:30
p.m. Thursday and at 1:00
p.m. Friday in the Honor
Committee Room, fourth
floor, Newcomb Hall.

All interested students,
particularly first-year, are
encouraged to attend. Anyone
for whom neither of the
meeting times are convenient
should call the Council
secretary at 924-3454.

Kent-Dabney Meets

A required meeting for the
Kent-Dabney Association will
be held tonight at 7 p.m. in the
Chemistry Building
auditorium. All first year
College students in this
association are expected to

POW-MIA Bracelets

The Demas T. Craw
Squadron of the Arnold Air
Society will sell POW-MIA
bracelets outside Cabell Hall
today between 10 and 11 and
2:30 and 4:30. The squadron
will also sell the bracelets at
the Blue-Orange game
tomorrow. Anyone interested
in buying a bracelet but unable
to purchase one at these times
may contact any Arnold Air
Society member or John
Eversole, chairman of the
program, at 973-8872.

Graduate Program

The John Fitzgerald
Kennedy School of
Government at Harvard
University instituted a new
graduate program in public
policy this fll. Ph.D., Master's,
or joint Master's-professional
school degrees can now be
earned in this program.

Prospective students should
be interested in policy analysis
and be competent both in
writing and mathematics.
Applicants should write to
Dean Harry Weiner, Littauer
Center, Harvard University,
Cambridge, Mass. 02138 for a
catalogue and application.

Faculty Book fair

Newcomb Hall Bookstore is
sponsoring the 5th annual
Faculty Book Fair to be held
in Newcomb Hall Ballroom
today from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The faculties from the
University and from
Washington and Lee, V.M.I.,
Mary Baldwin, Bridgewater,
and Madison colleges will
attend. Wine and coffee will be
served to those faculty
members present.

Also several University
printing firms will participate
in the fair. Those from
Princeton, Stanford, Chicago,
Oxford, Johns Hopkins,
University of Illinois and Yale
plus other major trade houses
are expected to be represented.

Tomorrow and Friday
books will be sold to students
at a 25 per cent discount.

Ecology Meeting

Charlottesville Friends of
the Earth will hold an
important meeting for all
members tomorrow at 8
p.m. in 331 Dunnington.

Discussion topics will
include conservation, plans for
an ecology retreat, newspaper
pick-up boxes, Earth Day 1973
activities, a photo contest and
educational efforts in the
Charlottesville area.

People willing to accept
responsibility in these and
other areas are urged to attend.
For further information call