University of Virginia Library


Whitebread To Speak

Associate Law Prof. Charles
H. Whitebread will speak to
Charlottesville's branch of the
American Association of
University Women on "The
Legal Rights of Women"
tomorrow at 1 p.m. in the
Gordon Avenue Library.

All interested are invited to

Voters Register

Over 1,000 persons
registered to vote in
Charlottesville and Albemarle
last Saturday, the final day to
qualify to vote in the
November general election.

Although the exact figures
are not yet available,
Saturday's number brings the
total of registered voters to
over 17,000 for the city and
over 16,000 for the county.

The number of University
students registered in the two
localities was not available.

Absentee ballots are
available in local registrar's
offices from now until
Nov. 4.

Nurses To Meet

The Registered Nurse
Student Organization will meet
to nominate officers tonight at
7 in the main lounge of McKim

History Essay Contest

Essays in History announces
the Alumni Association will
award cash first prizes in the
undergraduate and graduate
divisions of its annual essay

Four or more entries will be
published, and the deadline is
November 15. Information is
available in the History
department, Randall Hall.

Runners-up prizes will be
sponsored by New Dominion
Bookshop and the History

Student Injured

College third-year man Jeff
Cramer slipped and fell off a
third floor ledge during a mixer
at the Chi Phi house last
Thursday evening. A University
hospital spokesman said
Mr. Cramer, sustaining a chest
injury, is listed in satisfactory

Graduate Wives

The Graduate Wives of Arts
and Sciences will meet
tomorrow at 8 in the Baptist
Student Center, 1500 Jefferson
Park Ave. All interested
women are invited to hear Mrs.
Linda Wilson of Planned
Parenthood and area physicians
Charles F. Hunt and Hugh

Open House

Family Services will sponsor
an open house today from 4-6
p.m. at 116 West Jefferson St.
This service receives the largest
percentage of the United
Givers Fund and deals in
premarital, marriage and family

All residents of the
community are invited.

Debaters Triumph

The Virginia varsity debate
team of Thomas Thrash and
James Calder received an
octo-finalist trophy for their
successful showing at the MIT
National Invitational Debate
Tournament Oct. 6-8.

Mr. Thrash and Mr. Calder
emerged from a nationally-representative
field of senior
debate teams with a five-win
and three-loss preliminary
round, which entitled them to
debate Georgetown University
in the eliminations.