University of Virginia Library

Student Sues Shannon
For In-State Tuition

Second-year law student
David L. Ziegler has filed suit
in Albemarle County Circuit
Court claiming that the
University has illegally denied
him in-state status.

The suit, filed against
University President Edgar F.
Shannon Jr., charges that Mr.
Ziegler has been denied lower
tuition rates because the
University has arbitrarily
denied him in-state tuition

Mr. Ziegler, originally from
Massachusetts, requested
in-state tuition status last
September after living in the
state for one according to F.
Guthrie Gordon III, Mr.
Ziegler's attorney, said.

The University denied the
request, claiming that Virginia
law requires the student to
"show an indefinite intention
to remain in Virginia,"
according to the suit.

The University's contention
is "erroneous" because Virginia
law "requires only that a
petitioner declare Virginia and
no other place his home," the
suit claims.

Under present state law, the
only requirement for in-state
status is that a person live here
and have no intention to leave,
Mr. Gordon said.