University of Virginia Library

Faculty Members Named
Outstanding Educators


Seven University faculty
members have been chosen
1973 Outstanding Educators of
America for their professional
and civic achievements.

History Prof. Willie L.
Rose, College Dean Irby B.
Cauthen Jr. and Engineering
Dean Lawrence R. Quarles,
Education Profs., Richard M.
Brandt and Richard A. Meade,
Assoc. Architecture Prof.
James A. Cox, and Physics
Prof. Robert V. Coleman were
selected for the award.

College and University
officials nationally nominate
educators for their exceptional
service, achievements, and
leadership in the field of

Assoc. Astronomy Prof.
Lewis E. Snyder has received
one of ten Visiting Fellowships
from the Joint Institute for
Laboratory Astrophysics
(JILA) at the University of
Colorado and the National
Bureau of Standards. Visiting
Fellows receive full or
supplemental stipends to do
research at JILA for six to
twelve months.

English Prof. Ralph Cohen
has received $2,000 and $250
for travel and housing to
attend a summer program
under the National
Endowment for the

Other University professors
who have received fellowships
under the same program are
Asst. English Profs. Daniel F.
Albright, Hoyt N. Duggan and
Julius E. Rivers Jr. Asst.
English Prof. Edward I. Berry
received a National
Endowment summer stipend.

Assoc. Chemistry Prof.
Lester S. Andrews is one of 70
scientists in the United States
and Canada to receive Sloan
Fellowships for Basic Research
from the Alfred P. Sloan
Foundation in New York.