University of Virginia Library


Engineers Establish 'Poodah' File

The Engineering Council
will set up and maintain a
"Poodah" File of up-to-date
tests, quizzes and exams to be
placed in the Rodman Room
of the Engineering School
Library for general use.

The file is designed to assist
students who do not have
special means of obtaining
study help, first year students
who do not know what to
expect on the first few tests
and upperclassmen who want
to increase their ability in
problem solving.

The Council will place a
box in the Engineering School
Library to receive donations to
the file. Anyone wishing to
help organize the file or donate
material should contact Philip
Krastman at 295-8386.

Raven Lecture

Plastic Surgery Prof. Jack
C. Fisher will discuss "Edgar
Alan Poe and Drug Addiction"
today during a luncheon
meeting sponsored by the
Raven Society. The luncheon
will be held at 1 p.m. in Parlor
"A" off Open Square Cafeteria
in Newcomb Hall.

Peace Corps Jobs

The Peace Corps is offering
summer positions in a
cooperative program with the
Smithsonian Institution to
assist in development of
countries in environmental and
natural resource work.

Many of the assignments
are in field research and
administrative work. Positions
are available in Africa, Central
an; South America, Micronesia,
the Far East and others.

A wide range of technical
fields are required, including
veterinarians and marine

Information is available at
the Placement Office in Minor

Opera Auditions

The American Association
of University Women (AAUW)
will present Gilbert and
Sullivan's operetta 'HMS
Pinafore' at Buford Jr. High
School May 17, 18 and 19. The
production will be presented in
conjunction with the Virginia
Museum Theater Co.

Auditions will be held
Sunday, April 8 at 2 p.m. and
Monday, April 9 at 8 p.m. in
Minor Hall auditorium. A third
audition will be held April 10
at 8 p.m. for faculty students,
and other persons who could
not be present for one of the
two earlier auditions.

For further information call
Mrs. Jules Levind at 295-1853.

Yesterday's Cavalier Daily
incorrectly listed dates and
times of auditions.

London Museum

The designs of University
Architecture and City Planning
Prof. H. Cassius Higgins will be
incorporated into the proposed
London Museum, which will
have its cornerstone laid by
England's Queen Elizabeth

Mr. Higgins, also a senior
partner of the London
architectural firms of Higgins,
Ney and Partners, designed the
exhibit rooms and interior

"The sole purpose of the
museum," he said, "is to tell
the story of London, tracing
the growth through
archaeological exhibits."

The museum's interior is
"chronothematically," a
thematic approach to
chronological events. Mr.
Higgins, who has taught at the
University the past four
springs, plans to introduce
chronothematics into his

C&C '71 Covers

Covers for 1971 yearbooks
will be available in the Corks
and Curls office Monday
through Friday between 2 and
5 p.m.