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'Distinguished Prof.' Nominating Begins
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'Distinguished Prof.' Nominating Begins

Alumni Association's
Distinguished Professor Award
nominations will be accepted
by History Department
Chairman Julian Bishko until
March 15. Candidates must be
outstanding classroom teachers
who have demonstrated
concern for students and have
made a significant contribution
to University life.

A nominating Committee
appointed by Vice President
and Provost David A. Shannon,
will select four or five
submitted names. The Alumni
Association will make the final
choice from this slate, and will
present the award at their
annual meeting in mid-April.

This committee asks that
students take a greater role in
determining the recipient and
will welcome supporting letters
from students and student

Past recipients have
included College Profs
Braxton Woody, Raymond C.
Bice, Frank Finger, and John
C. Coleman; Law Prof. Charles
Woltz; Humanities Professor
Joseph L. Vaughan, and
Medicine Prof. Byrd S. Leavell.

Kayaking Seminar

Blue Ridge Mountain
Sports is sponsoring a
Kayaking seminar and
demonstration on Monday to
introduce the sport to the
Charlottesville area.

The presentation will
include two movies at 7:15 and
8 p.m. in room 22 of Memorial
Gym, followed by
demonstrations in the gym

Anyone who is
interested in paddling a kayak
should bring a bathing suit and
an old pair of sneakers.